Budmouth Academy Wins With NHS Partnership
The spring term ended on a positive note for students of Budmouth Academy when they won the national finals of the Aspirations Employability...
Read more Budmouth Academy Wins With NHS PartnershipThe spring term ended on a positive note for students of Budmouth Academy when they won the national finals of the Aspirations Employability...
Read more Budmouth Academy Wins With NHS PartnershipIn the Summer term, three Year 10 students from the school took part in a week-long work experience project, where they were asked...
Read more Self-worth, Purpose & Engagement: Budmouth Academy students use tech know-how to help local charity create a village tourThe annual tradition of ditching a reindeer-pulled sleigh for an Army vehicle to bring presents to the primary students at Bovington Academy continued...
Read more Youngsters at Bovington Academy said ‘tanks for the presents’ when Santa dropped by on a Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle!Children at a Wareham primary enjoyed their first ever virtual author visit and learnt about the power of hope and the power of...
Read more The power of Hope Jones: Author Josh Lacey tells Bovington Academy pupils why climate change is an important issue